Thursday, 2 June 2016


Gerbera, Pink, Flower, Blossom, Bloom, Bank, Romantic

The Bible is an exquisite book, but not all knows this and not all who read the Bible really understands it value. I know this because I read the Bible for several years both as a child and as an adult, and after reading so much of this wonderful book. I still dumped it and sought for wisdom somewhere else. I guess it takes more than just reading to really assimilate what wisdom the Bible entails.
As an inquisitive young man, they were a lot of things I had to figure out about the world and why it is so messed up. Aside that, I needed to be ahead of the game, several moves ahead of my opponents whoever they maybe; with this in mind I explored the knowledge the world had to offer in terms of books and several other resources aimed at boosting the mind. At a point I felt I had arrived and I knew it all, and when I heard the word fool, I was 100% percent sure I couldn’t be one. My search for knowledge gave birth to a book titled Mortality, Reason and Religion of its content are anti-religious and bothers more on reasoning. Then along the line I discovered they are certain burden that comes along with all knowledge gathered. Too much information sometimes renders even the simplest of knowledge useless. What am I saying in essence, it got to a point I then discovered to my greatest surprise that I had been a fool, even with all I thought I knew. So I began another search for wisdom, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. How did I do this? I simply confessed my sins, not once, not twice. I kept trying until I grew enough discipline and spiritual courage to totally conquer sin( Then I began the journey of enlightenment, the first step of which is harmonizing with Christ. This was the point I discovered the wisdom in the Bible. The Bible brought to simplicity all the complexities that surrounded all I knew before. All my life I couldn’t quite balance this world, good, evil and all the complexities, by gaining the wisdom from the Bible it all made perfect sense.
 Believe it or not the Bible is the best book ever written. It’s like a combination of all the books in the world to make one perfect book. During the period I was harmonizing myself with Christ and his will. I had in my hands a book by Stephen Covey on the 7 habits of highly effective people, the book was about 400 pages. I had read up to 300 pages. One day I read some verses in the Bible. In the book of proverbs, I read that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; I also read that a man’s life is shaped by his thoughts and in 1st Corinthians 13. I read about what love is and all the qualities of love. The wisdom i got from all these three verses totally summarized Covey’s entire book.
I know it sounds weird, if you read it now; it may not make that much sense. There is need for spiritual enlightenment when it comes to understanding Gods word. That is why you have to first be born again and second begin the journey towards enlightenment, which is what the 7 cardinal rules are all about. Ever tried to balance life’s variables like career, marriage, school, pleasure, beliefs and principles, family etc. without getting exhausted? Try the fear of God and suddenly all of life variables will fall into place. It is a math’s that was solved by God ever before any man was born. True wisdom is not worried or insecure, its source of energy is never revised, questioned, objected upon, reviewed or updated. Looking for true wisdom? Waste no time reading different books. Read one book! The Bible

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