Friday, 12 February 2016


In the world today, everybody is a preacher. I remember the days of Paul the apostle, when the gospel was fresh and crisp. People valued it, people yearned for it. And before you see someone proclaiming the gospel, that person is actually ready to die for that gospel. Not just death, but to sacrifice for the very message to which they are delivering. Their lives were an epitome of the gospel they professed. They did not have much to go on, but their strength was ever resounding.
Today, it is a pitiable condition. The gospel of Christ is not so special again. As a matter of fact, it is somehow a nuisance to society. Because of the way desperate people choose to exploit the freedom accorded everyone to carry the sacred message. Some organizations and places actually go as far as banning public preaching. And I do not blame their actions, I blame the preachers. Taking advantage of the very weakness of the gospel of Christ, where no qualification is needed what so ever and anybody can do the bidding of Christ thus this grace is abused.
          The gospel is now a nuisance, because we hear it a little too much; and because we hear it a little too much. We value it wisdom lesser and lesser each day, without even realizing it. The respect and reverence that was once accorded the gospel has waned as a result of the wide spread and abuse of the way and manner the Gospel is professed and interpreted. Invariably, a person sorting for direction becomes lost. Because the diversity of the gospel, the abuse of it spread only offers more confusion, than solution.
Today as a result of this trend, we have more churches and less Christians. The service of the church is no longer a calling, but a profession of hungry thieves desperate enough to stand against the purity of the gospel in order to appease their earthly suffering. Every preacher is now a fund raiser, every service is now a fund raising event. And only the best donors stand out, irrespective of where the money is coming from, or the occupation of the giver. The church now stands, as a house that appeases and solves the moral dilemma of evil men that are unwilling to forsake the evil of their ways finally.
The current state of the church is worse than the events and circumstances that lead to the 16th century Schism. The decadence and slow decline of the tranquility and holiness that is supposed to accompany the gospel is alarming, that the worst evils are perpetrated within the very confines of the church. Even men that hardly visit churches are more morally inclined that people that assume themselves children of God.

This message is a message of self-awareness, in the days of the Disciples of Christ and Apostle Paul. The True Christians were few and loyal, because they lived by the teaching of Christ and once in a while they meet with the Apostles as time would permit thus they thrived. Their strength was not in their numbers or finance, but their faithfulness, holiness, integrity, self-sacrifice, love for each other, honesty, and their loyalty to the purity of the gospel irrespective of persecution and trials. These qualities created a bond of true loyalty to God and Integrity of the Gospel they profess. This is the example of what we should follow. Live our lives by the Model of the Bible, and if we are to be Christians emulate the True and first Christian Jesus Christ.  Thus we would find strength in the bonding created by people who live their lives by the Model of the Bible and Christ rather than the Model of The church and Pastor.

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