Friday, 4 March 2016


Every person under the sun has a purpose. God gave us all a reason to live, a reason to wake up each morning and find strength, courage and will to get out of bed and tough out the herculean task of our daily world. Question is why do you get out of bed each morning? What motivates you? What is the source of your courage, will and perseverance? In 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 Apostle Paul revealed a hidden truth that all men have a drive and that drive needs be discovered. He revealed his own drive. Which is drive to wake up each morning and do the will of our heavenly Father, the drive of delivering his message to the thousands of souls out there in the world, the drive of following up and making sure those souls are nourished. This purpose of his, is a purpose of righteousness, not a self-serving purpose, it is a purpose that fulfills the will of god. That is why in all he does, he does not need to fear the dangers associated with pursuing this purpose. He does not fear accident, he does not fear persecutions and trials, he does not fear the unexpected and ultimately he does not fear death. That is what a true purpose looks like. A purpose that sets you in sync with your consciousness, a purpose that syncs you with the will of God that is the purpose every man should seek to discover.
 There are a few pointers I would love to direct our attention to in discovering the ultimate purpose that links us to our creator. A few factors that stands it out from a self-driven purpose:
1.     They must be transparency in your purpose, it should be absent of guile, deceitfulness, and the immoral
2.     The concept of the purpose should have its foundation resting on God rather than Man. The truths and principles that uphold the purpose should be from the Bible, and not manipulated to please human powers.
3.     The drive of the purpose should not be to please people; the message of the purpose should not be to flatter people. The purpose must not be focused on the material things of this world, through the seeking of glory, fame and power.
4.      Every purpose should reflect calmness, affection and an unbiased willingness to impact positively on your fellow human.
5.     A purpose bearer, has to express virtues that reflect the very purpose he or she represents
6.     No matter the tide that comes, your purpose must be driven by moral principles, standards and guided through hard situations not by your own knowledge but by the infinite wisdom of the Almighty God.
Once a purpose reflects all these at the primary level, without bias or manipulation, that purpose automatically syncs you with God. Even as it does you will feel the connection in you, the power and then you will understand that your true journey to enlightenment has begun. The first step of which lays in your discovery of “The True Purpose”

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