Sunday, 24 January 2016

THE PREVALENCE OF IMMORALITY IN THE CHURCH - Adultery and fornication in the Church

Today the church has become a den of all sorts of immoral activities; whether it is done in secret or openly. When you look at the church from a distance all you see is the agape love, the togetherness, the bliss; but take a closer look and you will realize the existence of the trends of adultery and fornication. To an extent it has almost become a norm, not because the church as a body has come to accept it, but because all those who fall victim never acknowledge their sins, beg for forgiveness and start afresh. Instead they justify their actions with lies, treachery, and all sort of trumped up excuses that allow them to feel comfortable and justified and they continue in their sins. The problem of immorality in the church today is caused and sustained by the demon of justification. The Demon of Justification is an excerpt from the book ‘Prison Lunar’ THE DEMON OF JUSTIFICATION As the name implies “to justify” even when not right, to make right in one’s eyes, but its meaning goes beyond that. The demon of justification is mostly seen as the settler of grudges; the line between good and bad, love and hate. It mediates in matters of grievances between two or more demons and between our own mind and that of the demons. Therefore it is most prevalent in Christians, especially those who constantly hear the word of God and people who always try to walk the part of righteousness. The demon of justification sits in the highest offices in the church, and religious houses; they are little cronies that make right, paint into good the ideas of the other demons. Amongst all the demons this one is the most self-explanatory. In the wilderness when the devil tempted Jesus Christ through the demon of deceit, it was the demon of justification that justified the idea of turning stones to bread and also the part where the demon of deceit asked Christ to throw himself down, it was also the demon of justification that justified it with a passage in the bible. Let me tell you, there is no sin that cannot be justified and the closer you are to God, the easier it is to justify vast deceitful ideas and manipulation of both demons. The Christian race is a battle; in battles things happen and God understands. Take a look into the bible; especially the old testament and even in the new testament. Prophets and kings did things, which seemed deceitful but however are justified even in the sight of God The story of how Jacob disguised to steal the blessing of his brother Esau, and how same Jacob was assisted to that deception by his mother in Genesis 27, leaves a compelling theory for the demon of justification. Yet again in same Genesis 25 verse 27-33. Esau did sell his birth right hence whatever done is justified. Nevertheless that is not how God works so if the demon plays that line the important question is “the word of God in Genesis 25 verse 23.” Even before Isaac was to bless either of them, it has already been decreed that the older will serve the younger. In exodus 32 when the Israelites rebelled against God, what excuse was enough to justify the atrocities they committed and why was Aaron compelled to play along by building them a false god and offering sacrifice to a lifeless bull calf, having seen the power and might of the One true God. His actions seemed justified as explained in Genesis 32 verse 22 when Moses confronted him, when he said “the people pushed me, they were determined” and even though God forgave Aaron he still paid the ultimate price. A man given to sin, will always be a sinner, a man giving to wine will always be a drunkard, a man giving to sex, will always be a victim of the flesh, a man give to appetite will always be a glutton, a man giving to wealth will always be mischievous, no matter the justification that is given today, which will be different from that which was given yesterday, and that which will be given tomorrow. The core point is a sinner is a sinner, a Christian is a Christian, a Christian will not be compelled to inordinate affection, so he needs no reason, no justification to commit such acts, because it will seem meaningless, temporal, abominable and irritating to his mindset, thus they is no justification needed. The demon of justification justifies murder, adultery, fornication, thievery, corruption, use of obscene languages, engagement in immoral and deceitful events etc. It is the job of the demon of justification to make it look right. To make the sin look understandable, that God will understand when you fornicate with your betrothed before marriage, at least she is going to be your wife, why wait? It is the same demon that justifies adultery that is prevalent in the church today. Who says it is the mission of men of God to taste another woman that is not his wife in the name of fulfilling Gods mission or in the name of Agape love commit to lust and obscene thoughts. I tell you this day as you read right now the demon of justification is at work right now, making your sins look right and your convictions justified. The trip down to Lunar is justified by this demon. Be careful and prayerful trusting only in the interpretation of the word of God through the Holy Spirit, having silenced this demon through prayer and meditation. To Buy the book ‘Prison Lunar’ click on this link