Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The name “JESUS”

Most of us Christians grew up been familiar with the name “Jesus” and as time passed and maturity sets in, the name became just a norm. At the slightest provocation we start calling the name Jesus and anytime we are confused or scared we still call that name. All the while we are doing these we never come to terms with the actual power in that name. The power that comes with calling the name Jesus, the power that comes with believing in or worshiping the name Jesus. They say familiarity breeds contempt and even Christ himself made a similar statement when he said a prophet is not welcomed in his home.

Growing up in a Christian home made me know and understand the power of Jesus. I had the knowledge of his grace and power. However I never actually lived it, I never surrendered myself to him, and I never gave Jesus full control.

 Knowing and calling the name Jesus does not guarantee one access to the power that comes with that name. I have known the name Jesus all my life; I call that name every day, but never had access to the power that comes with the name Jesus. Not until Jesus showed me the way and ushered me into his bosom.

Have you known Jesus all your life?
Have you been calling his name every day?

Then it’s time to complete the sequence, it’s time to ascend from sin and accept him fully into your life.

He said “if we confess our sins and forsake them, that he is faithful and just to forgive us”
It is until you confess and forsake your sins before you become in actuality like Christ and thus you are able to tap from the power that comes with the name Jesus.
That power brings bliss and peace, like nothing you have ever known or perceived. It takes away all your fears and your entire burdens, and you feel this lightness in your heart. This is a gift that can only come from serving God, through his Son Jesus Christ.
Join the fold today! Assure yourself a place in heaven, ascend from sin and partake in his marvelous light,

Sunday, 3 July 2016

The Unique Beings: Book Two of Nobody Understands


Vivian is an outcast in her school. She is bullied and kept out of social circles. She cannot understand why she has to go through life watching on the sidelines. All she wants is to be included, but all anyone else sees, even her teacher, is someone who should be pitied. David, a wise classmate who understands how to navigate the inner workings of the school, befriends Vivian. Together, Vivian learns from David and ultimately finds the hope she needs to get through even the most difficult of days.

The beginning of Vivian’s transformation begins with the reading of the book “Nobody Understands Me”, a gift to her from David. The short book delineates the 10 personalities that are misunderstood and that cause people to be outcast. From the first chapter, Vivian feels an immediate sense of ease, like she has finally discovered the missing piece to making sense of her life.

As the series progresses, new characters and schools are introduced, all revolving around finding your place in the world by embracing God’s enduring love.

Important Themes Include:
Being Unique
Self-Sacrificing Love
Seeing Beyond Death
Being A Warrior Of God
Humility and Simplicity
A Willingness To Learn

An incredible story for all students to hear, Nobody Understands Me presents the difficulties of being a teenager and how to find the faith to overcome hardships with a unique Christian twist. A reminder that God is always with us, Nobody Understands Me will encourage readers of all ages to persevere in times of struggle and to seek refuge in the ultimate of friends, Jesus Christ.

Weaving together modern day narratives with Biblical parables, this short series is one you will want to refer to again and again.

Thursday, 2 June 2016


Gerbera, Pink, Flower, Blossom, Bloom, Bank, Romantic

The Bible is an exquisite book, but not all knows this and not all who read the Bible really understands it value. I know this because I read the Bible for several years both as a child and as an adult, and after reading so much of this wonderful book. I still dumped it and sought for wisdom somewhere else. I guess it takes more than just reading to really assimilate what wisdom the Bible entails.
As an inquisitive young man, they were a lot of things I had to figure out about the world and why it is so messed up. Aside that, I needed to be ahead of the game, several moves ahead of my opponents whoever they maybe; with this in mind I explored the knowledge the world had to offer in terms of books and several other resources aimed at boosting the mind. At a point I felt I had arrived and I knew it all, and when I heard the word fool, I was 100% percent sure I couldn’t be one. My search for knowledge gave birth to a book titled Mortality, Reason and Religion of its content are anti-religious and bothers more on reasoning. Then along the line I discovered they are certain burden that comes along with all knowledge gathered. Too much information sometimes renders even the simplest of knowledge useless. What am I saying in essence, it got to a point I then discovered to my greatest surprise that I had been a fool, even with all I thought I knew. So I began another search for wisdom, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. How did I do this? I simply confessed my sins, not once, not twice. I kept trying until I grew enough discipline and spiritual courage to totally conquer sin( Then I began the journey of enlightenment, the first step of which is harmonizing with Christ. This was the point I discovered the wisdom in the Bible. The Bible brought to simplicity all the complexities that surrounded all I knew before. All my life I couldn’t quite balance this world, good, evil and all the complexities, by gaining the wisdom from the Bible it all made perfect sense.
 Believe it or not the Bible is the best book ever written. It’s like a combination of all the books in the world to make one perfect book. During the period I was harmonizing myself with Christ and his will. I had in my hands a book by Stephen Covey on the 7 habits of highly effective people, the book was about 400 pages. I had read up to 300 pages. One day I read some verses in the Bible. In the book of proverbs, I read that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; I also read that a man’s life is shaped by his thoughts and in 1st Corinthians 13. I read about what love is and all the qualities of love. The wisdom i got from all these three verses totally summarized Covey’s entire book.
I know it sounds weird, if you read it now; it may not make that much sense. There is need for spiritual enlightenment when it comes to understanding Gods word. That is why you have to first be born again and second begin the journey towards enlightenment, which is what the 7 cardinal rules are all about. Ever tried to balance life’s variables like career, marriage, school, pleasure, beliefs and principles, family etc. without getting exhausted? Try the fear of God and suddenly all of life variables will fall into place. It is a math’s that was solved by God ever before any man was born. True wisdom is not worried or insecure, its source of energy is never revised, questioned, objected upon, reviewed or updated. Looking for true wisdom? Waste no time reading different books. Read one book! The Bible

Awaken the god in you- 1

                        Person, Human, Spiritual, Spirituality, God, Meditation

In the book of Genesis, after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. God said “Now that man has become like one of us” (gods). At first God created us in his image, but the moment man erred, man became more than just the image of God, man became like God and thus was responsible for all his actions.
Do you know that you are a god? And have the power of a god.  Man’s only deficiency is his mortality. Imagine what it would feel like to have that much power. As I write it and as you read it, it sounds like a fairy tale, however it is the hard truth.
The whole world is on a backward progression when it comes to assimilation and reflection of this fact. The adversary the devil has managed to make people feel, that they are less important, just flesh and blood, that they have no power at all and are just nothing to themselves or the universe. Although the Bible states otherwise, even at that many Christian still do not comprehend or believe this truth. To buttress this point I will mention some human gods in the Bible that realized through Gods divine help their status and expressed god-like powers. I will explain why they had that power and why at some points the power failed them.
Our first example is Moses- The moment Moses meet God in the burning bush his god-like nature was activated and through him God performed wonders, that up until this day are unequalled. Do you agree that Moses expressed god-like power? Absolutely yes he did and he could access that power. One because God choose him, Two because he kept his body and spirit pure and free from guilt and iniquity at all times and Three because he had faith. The moment Moses waned in his faith in Gods ability, he lost a significant aspect of his power, prospect and thus saw but never entered the promise land.
Second example is Joshua – Joshua took over from Moses and God spoke to him. He impressed God because he had so much faith and lead a holy life to compliment it. As such he is the only man to have ever commanded the Sun to stand still and it did. What else would you call this, isn’t it god-like?
Another example is Prophet Daniel, Shedrack, Menshack and Abednego, four men that thrived during the time of Israel’s exile in Babylon. They had absolute faith in God, irrespective of the circumstances and thus were able to rise above the fire of the furnace and the Lion’s den. Same goes for Prophet Ezekiel who raised dried bones back to life. What a mystery? That is the kind of power we possess.
Our last example is our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, without a question Christ was the only one that knew he was a god and indeed he is God. He expressed this to the fury of the Pharisee and Sadducees and through his power he changed the course of history and given this we are agree that yes he is God.
The question now is why is it that is in our time, they are no more human gods. The answer is simple Sin. The human entity has a spirit, body and soul. The soul comes from God and it goes back to God upon death. The virtue of every human is embedded in the soul. The soul is the powerhouse of our godlike powers; to tap from this power. We must fulfill the ultimate condition.


I was once told to cast my burden on a man that he cares for me. I was told emphatically that he could solve all my problems and give me eternal freedom. But seriously, I wouldn’t believe this. I mean, I do have an open mind, and irrespective of how open my mind is, I could hardly leave all my issues and challenges to chance. I had to take charge, to be in front of the situation. After all that is why I have a sound mind and body. No matter how I taught about it, it never made sense to me, at least not in a practical way, how can I put my trust in God? No one understands God? Who knows what he is planning? Who knows his will? What he will do next? And ultimately is he even listening to me? Or does he have my time?
Seriously, I have thought about these questions and the more I thought of it, the more dilemma I found myself. That is where I remembered Cardinal Rule 3(In taking up the attitude and being in harmony with Christ; we should like Christ not equate ourselves with God or his Son) and it all made sense suddenly. That is why it is said that God is not man, so no matter how hard I try, I will not understand how God works, when he works and how he listens to prayers. It is when I decided to stop asking God the questions of “how will you deliver the goods” that is when I learnt this important lesson that, there is no power as God, no wisdom as his, no authority like his authority. The way God works, no mind can put it together and make sense of it. My friends and followers don’t ever try to make sense of what God does or why he does it. This might take you a good lifetime. Instead “Dare to trust in him”
    As a child, that grew up in a Christian family. I have heard the message of faith preached severally and not until now did I realize that the messages about faith were taken a bit too lightly. To have faith is no small task, especially when you are brilliant and have so many resources at your disposal, that at a spot you can think of Plan A all through to Plan Z. And someone expects you to just sit back, watch and have faith? I will possibly say, tell that to the birds! As such I’ll go on and on with my life and never give God an opportunity to actually do something real, tangible and eternal in my life. I know it never easy to let go of all you know and trust in God. It’s a rare wisdom only enlightened people will possess. It is a wisdom that teaches you to look beyond this world and into the next plane of existence. A wisdom that no amount of money or education can bestow, a wisdom given only by God, to the children he loves.
     Let God work in your life today, allow him to straighten you up. For too long you’ve gone astray, let God bring you back home. Let go of all you know and learn from his eternal wisdom that surpasses all understanding, tap from his infinite Grace. Dare to trust in God. I learnt this important lesson only when I looked around and I realized there was no Plan A – Z, that there was no plan at all. I was choice less, almost hopeless. But God gave me his infinite wisdom, which comes with a desire to serve him. This wisdom gave me a serene peace at a time of great turbulence. It gave me a calm of godlikeness in times when I should have gone mad with worry. It soothed my soul, set me on a direction of my true purpose and gave me clarity of perspective I never thought I could have. All my plans, knowledge and all the books in the world could not do this for me. It is only God that can and it is only through Gods wisdom, we can gain true inner peace and conquer our most daunting demons.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


                 Map Of The World, Human, Group, Refugees, Help, Escape
In the beginning there was a rift between man and God. Men ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. This act broke man’s direct line of communication with God and emplaced a gulf that left man to his own fate. Ever since that gulf was created they had always been two rules to loyalty and submission which is a man’s loyalty to his leaders and a woman’s loyalty to her husband. A man therefore is obligated to be loyal to his leaders, submit to his leaders, pray always for his leader. So that like Timothy wrote in 1st Timothy 2:2 we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. A woman is thus expected to be submissive to her husband, to be humble before her husband, to support and pray for her husband so that she may find peace in this life and the next.
Since the establishment of this norm which has stood for thousands of generation. There has been a rift always between men and his leaders, and between women and their husbands. The existence of this rift necessitated the introduction of a third factor to ensure our continued existence. This factor is none but our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christ has always been seen as a mediator between man and God, a mender of a relationship that was almost destroyed by man’s ignorance. His introduction into the world opened up a communication line that was since severed. Thus creator and creation became one again through his death and resurrection. This factor thus alters the norm of the curse as we know it, and makes simple a long standing dilemma. In Genesis 3:16b God said unto Eve, thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.
 Therefore, everything changes. There is no more divided loyalty either to a leader or a husband. This has never been as clear, as it is right now. That there can be only one loyalty, only one through which we must judge our actions and weigh our decisions. That one is our direct line of contact with God, that one is our savior Jesus Christ. So inasmuch as a man must be loyal and faithful to his leaders. He must first be loyal and faithful to God, and so applies for a woman also. Throughout the times of the Disciples of Christ and Apostle Paul, they were constantly at logger heads with the leadership of this world because of a clash of interest. With Christ as our mediator there is no excuse to sin, just because Eve said so, or because Adam said so. There is none what so ever. A door and link has been opened up, granting us access to unlimited resources to enable us lead holy and righteous life. All we need to do is pray always, be in constant communication with God, establish a standing relationship with our heavenly father, whose only mediator is Jesus Christ and on earth other anointed servants of God who preach and live their life in exact replica of Christ. Men as such are rare, and because of the kind of humble living they prefer we hardly have contact with them. A man anointed by God is not given to wealth and worldly pleasures. Their place is with God and their home is in the church.

Friday, 4 March 2016


Every person under the sun has a purpose. God gave us all a reason to live, a reason to wake up each morning and find strength, courage and will to get out of bed and tough out the herculean task of our daily world. Question is why do you get out of bed each morning? What motivates you? What is the source of your courage, will and perseverance? In 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 Apostle Paul revealed a hidden truth that all men have a drive and that drive needs be discovered. He revealed his own drive. Which is drive to wake up each morning and do the will of our heavenly Father, the drive of delivering his message to the thousands of souls out there in the world, the drive of following up and making sure those souls are nourished. This purpose of his, is a purpose of righteousness, not a self-serving purpose, it is a purpose that fulfills the will of god. That is why in all he does, he does not need to fear the dangers associated with pursuing this purpose. He does not fear accident, he does not fear persecutions and trials, he does not fear the unexpected and ultimately he does not fear death. That is what a true purpose looks like. A purpose that sets you in sync with your consciousness, a purpose that syncs you with the will of God that is the purpose every man should seek to discover.
 There are a few pointers I would love to direct our attention to in discovering the ultimate purpose that links us to our creator. A few factors that stands it out from a self-driven purpose:
1.     They must be transparency in your purpose, it should be absent of guile, deceitfulness, and the immoral
2.     The concept of the purpose should have its foundation resting on God rather than Man. The truths and principles that uphold the purpose should be from the Bible, and not manipulated to please human powers.
3.     The drive of the purpose should not be to please people; the message of the purpose should not be to flatter people. The purpose must not be focused on the material things of this world, through the seeking of glory, fame and power.
4.      Every purpose should reflect calmness, affection and an unbiased willingness to impact positively on your fellow human.
5.     A purpose bearer, has to express virtues that reflect the very purpose he or she represents
6.     No matter the tide that comes, your purpose must be driven by moral principles, standards and guided through hard situations not by your own knowledge but by the infinite wisdom of the Almighty God.
Once a purpose reflects all these at the primary level, without bias or manipulation, that purpose automatically syncs you with God. Even as it does you will feel the connection in you, the power and then you will understand that your true journey to enlightenment has begun. The first step of which lays in your discovery of “The True Purpose”

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


                        Cemetery, Graves, Tomb, Grave Stones, Grave, Cross

At first I thought death respected certain people, especially people I knew and loved. This feeling gave me some sort of comfort as a child. When my father died, that was when the reality called death began to dawn on me. Then again I thought maybe death still had some sort of respect for younger people. But alas, it coming knocking at the door of my childhood friend “Daniel”; I was shocked, terrified, I could not close my eyes for days after the incidence. Daniel wasn’t more than 15 years at the time. He was full of life, vibrant, young, a social elite we all looked up to. This was when I knew death had no rules, no principles, no timeline, no friends, no foes, it only desire is to keep taking and taking. Causing sorrows and heart break at every turn it passes.
What then is someone supposed to do? Look over my shoulder in fear of death? Or maybe one should just bury the feeling deep enough that it hardly comes up. What is the way forward?
In the bible Jesus Christ said that where a man’s treasure is, there his heart will be also. In Yesterday’s blog post I wrote about 2 realms within the earth, just like we have a body and consciousness. A person in sync with his consciousness understands one truth that cannot be understood any other way. That is “The ephemerality of the earth and our existence”. To truly understand this truth is to conquer in real terms the fear of death. Once in sync with your consciousness, you are in sync with the consciousness of the earth and ultimately in sync with the Almighty God. This synchrony of the incorporeal assures the enlightened that death is part of a longer journey, yet to be completed. That death is a bus-stop they must reach, before boarding another bus on another journey. They know that their time on earth is temporal and all that they do is to assure their future and place in the next plane of existence.
Enlightenment is key to inner peace, it is key to unraveling your purpose and fulfilling your destiny. Death will surely come, if you think am lying. Pick a pin, needle or any sharp object and prick yourself. You feel that? That proves that you will die and very soon than you may imagine. Why deny the inevitable, and sit in denial and tell yourself “I shall not die” Even Our lord and Savior knew he would die and he was not scared or in denial. He told his disciples bump and plan that very soon I shall leave you. Do you know what that depicts? Jesus was in sync with God and he knew as a matter of fact his purpose on earth, and once that purpose was fulfilled then he had reached the end of his earthly journey. Thus he embraced death (death of the body) even before death came.
Find God and find life. Forsake your temporal craving and seek a higher purpose; a purpose beyond the lofty achievements on earth, a purpose beyond human comprehension, a purpose that will usher you into the next plane of existence.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


                          Earth, Space, Planet, Globe, Global, World, Ocean
          In our vastly populated world, they exists two realms. These realms exercise power over the world in two distinct ways. As many may already be familiar with; Trends of supernatural activities are mostly attributed to powers beyond human comprehension. In assimilating this blog we should not be side tricked by this already existing phenomenon. We should instead open up our minds to new possibilities, where new realities are feasible.
The human entity consists of a body and a consciousness (body and spirit). The human world consists of the Earth and its consciousness (earth and spirit). One cannot exist without the other in each of these cases. The earth which represents the physical world we are currently living in, is in sync with our human body. Like a popular quote in the bible says “from dust to dust”.
The earth has a spirit, a consciousness that cannot be seen or comprehended by the human physicality. However, it can be comprehended by the human consciousness or spirit because they exist on the same plane. 
Everything that has to do with the abstract, like our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires and virtues, are what connects us with the consciousness of the earth and our own consciousness.
They are a few enlightened people in this world who have the ability to see and understand both realms, in their physical state. These few people have gained what is called “enlightenment” their body is in sync with their consciousness. Thus they see beyond what the ordinary man sees. They control events, and perceive circumstances, because they know how to communicate with, and understand the consciousness of the earth. This is attributed to the fact that, the power of the earth lies in its consciousness. These people are divided into two groups Light and Darkness. The Light uses their power for good. While the Darkness use their power to achieve their own self-driven desires.
Only the enlightened and those fighting to gain enlightenment will understand this blog up to this point. However, for others I will explain why the blog will just sound like either old news or fallacy. When the body is not in sync with the consciousness of the human entity, they are a lot of obvious ways to recognize this. In one of my book titled “Lucifer’s Den” I described a prison, where prisoners do not realize they are in a prison. To not be in sync with your consciousness is to have a void not only of direction of purpose, but to also lack discipline of mind to keep to that purpose. To be swirled back and forth by the winds and circumstances of life. Pawns in a greater game of chess played by gods and enlightened humans. A person not in sync with his consciousness is always at war with his mind, with his body, and a balance is never achieved; thus the lack of clarity in reading this blog.  To gain enlightenment and transcend human suffering, one must be in sync with one’s consciousness, and once in sync with your consciousness you are in sync with the consciousness of the earth, thus in sync with God.  

Friday, 12 February 2016


In the world today, everybody is a preacher. I remember the days of Paul the apostle, when the gospel was fresh and crisp. People valued it, people yearned for it. And before you see someone proclaiming the gospel, that person is actually ready to die for that gospel. Not just death, but to sacrifice for the very message to which they are delivering. Their lives were an epitome of the gospel they professed. They did not have much to go on, but their strength was ever resounding.
Today, it is a pitiable condition. The gospel of Christ is not so special again. As a matter of fact, it is somehow a nuisance to society. Because of the way desperate people choose to exploit the freedom accorded everyone to carry the sacred message. Some organizations and places actually go as far as banning public preaching. And I do not blame their actions, I blame the preachers. Taking advantage of the very weakness of the gospel of Christ, where no qualification is needed what so ever and anybody can do the bidding of Christ thus this grace is abused.
          The gospel is now a nuisance, because we hear it a little too much; and because we hear it a little too much. We value it wisdom lesser and lesser each day, without even realizing it. The respect and reverence that was once accorded the gospel has waned as a result of the wide spread and abuse of the way and manner the Gospel is professed and interpreted. Invariably, a person sorting for direction becomes lost. Because the diversity of the gospel, the abuse of it spread only offers more confusion, than solution.
Today as a result of this trend, we have more churches and less Christians. The service of the church is no longer a calling, but a profession of hungry thieves desperate enough to stand against the purity of the gospel in order to appease their earthly suffering. Every preacher is now a fund raiser, every service is now a fund raising event. And only the best donors stand out, irrespective of where the money is coming from, or the occupation of the giver. The church now stands, as a house that appeases and solves the moral dilemma of evil men that are unwilling to forsake the evil of their ways finally.
The current state of the church is worse than the events and circumstances that lead to the 16th century Schism. The decadence and slow decline of the tranquility and holiness that is supposed to accompany the gospel is alarming, that the worst evils are perpetrated within the very confines of the church. Even men that hardly visit churches are more morally inclined that people that assume themselves children of God.

This message is a message of self-awareness, in the days of the Disciples of Christ and Apostle Paul. The True Christians were few and loyal, because they lived by the teaching of Christ and once in a while they meet with the Apostles as time would permit thus they thrived. Their strength was not in their numbers or finance, but their faithfulness, holiness, integrity, self-sacrifice, love for each other, honesty, and their loyalty to the purity of the gospel irrespective of persecution and trials. These qualities created a bond of true loyalty to God and Integrity of the Gospel they profess. This is the example of what we should follow. Live our lives by the Model of the Bible, and if we are to be Christians emulate the True and first Christian Jesus Christ.  Thus we would find strength in the bonding created by people who live their lives by the Model of the Bible and Christ rather than the Model of The church and Pastor.

Sunday, 7 February 2016


                Bible, Cross, Redemption, Liberation, Sin, Forgiveness
They were two men, separated by thousands of years. These men play very significant roles in the life of every human being. As a matter of fact, without these two men we will not have existed at all. These two men have so much in common, that in contrast, we are not supposed to tell them apart. One gave us life, and as a result of giving us life, gave us pain, suffering and a cursed lifetime. The other man gave us life also, but life eternal. Free of the pain and suffering that accompanies the life the first man gave us. I bet by now, you already know the two men of which I refer. Adam and Jesus Christ;
          Apostle Paul in one of his letters to the Romans as recorded in Romans chapter 5 verse 10-15
10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

He implied that Adam made us Gods enemies. However, Christ reconciled us with God. How did Adam make us Gods enemy? Through one sin, as a result of one sin committed by Adam, sin spread through the whole human race. Sin accompanied by death, and to this day we suffer a cursed existence. One man, one sin, and to this day the whole world is suffering the consequences. What then is the significance of this message?
Before I go into that, let us again reassess how through one simple sin. We were all condemned, to suffer the consequences for thousands of generations. Adam never realized the consequences of his actions. If he did, he would not have listened to his wife. But I wish it were that simple. I wish Adam, and Eve alone should have paid for their own sins, and leave us out of it. But alas, that is the way of the Lord. The Lord said that, he will visit the sins of the father on the children.
 This calls for somber reflection. Let us all take a look at our lives, and every action that accompanies it. And ask ourselves, a very important question. Does our actions and existence bring life or does it bring death. Are we living the life we set out to live?
 Are we in sync with Gods purpose for us?
Are they little secrets that still tie us down?
 Will our future generations suffer the consequences we suffer now as a result of Adams mistake?
Ultimately the big question is;
Is our existence going to bring life or death?
Let us examine the writing of Disciple Luke; in Luke 12:1-7
12 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.
But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

There is nothing as simple as the message of Christ, to beware against the yeast of the Pharisees, their hypocrisy. Today who are those Pharisees?
          They are all the so called prophets, pastors and preachers running around in the name of God.  Do you know what these men do nowadays? They make you feel good with your sins. These men are hypocrite, and with them a congregation of hypocrites, unwillingly to accept the piercing truth. Most of them have grown so powerful with equally powerful followers. No one dares challenge them out of fear. So the wrong things have slowly become the right thing. The church is now a den of hypocrites, liars, murderers, thieves, adulterers, prostitutes and all sort of evil doers. When you enter Gods house, they are the ushers, the singers, and the counselors. Their tentacle has spread, and continues spreading. Sin is now, no longer such a bad thing. Because, there is always a convenient time to lie, to steal, to cheat, to commit adultery, to fornicate and so it spreads.
 How did it start? With one man, and today we have billions following suit, and incurring Gods judgment, and not just on them but on their future generations.
 There is hope in Luke 12:4
And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.
What is the worst thing these men can do? Kill your body? Then why fear, why fear men that can only kill the body. Who we should truly fear is God who can punish the soul for all eternity. Because after death, the journey has just began.
This human life is a pilgrimage, of which we can use it to impact death or life on ourselves, this generation and generations to come. However the choice is yours. 
Will you do what your pastors do and reflect or will you follow the life of Christ?
 Will you rather follow the doctrine of the church, or Gods word in the bible?
Going to church, or working in Gods house is not a guarantee to heaven. In fact, God gets irritated at hypocrites, and if you are. You should know that no sin stays hidden. It is as Christ said in Luke 12:2-3
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Every secret will be uncovered, so if you think your secret is safe and your sins are well covered. Think again!
          Away from all these, what then is the true way forward? I would like us to combine
Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

And Romans 5:15 15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

 Christ said everybody is important. Even the hairs on your head so never lose sense of that. No matter your status in life, or condition you are recognized by God. You are important to him, and there is a purpose to your existence.
Apostle Paul said, through one man (Adam) sins, many have died and suffered. But God gave us a free gift through his son Jesus Christ. That is the gift of eternal life. That gift is not given by any pastor, prophet or man of God. It is given by God through his Son Jesus Christ. And to nurture that gift, what you need first is the bible and the Holy Spirit. These are desperate times, and they are a lot of desperate people out there, ready to take advantage of our weakest spot which is “our religious nature”. But we must not succumb, we must deny them victory.
 One battle at a time and this war will be won. Sometimes I wonder if it is just me. But these days you get more tempted in the church. Than while you are on the streets where no one is pretending. Because it is as a result of pretense, that one sin will lead to another, and it will continue to grow.
The message here is simple. Spread life rather than death. Reassess your life and find out if your life is Gods model or the model of the church. The church has been infiltrated one sin at a time. And we must stop the total death of the church by creating awareness of this one person at a time. So that life will spread and before you know it the church will be whole again.