Thursday 2 June 2016

Awaken the god in you- 1

                        Person, Human, Spiritual, Spirituality, God, Meditation

In the book of Genesis, after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. God said “Now that man has become like one of us” (gods). At first God created us in his image, but the moment man erred, man became more than just the image of God, man became like God and thus was responsible for all his actions.
Do you know that you are a god? And have the power of a god.  Man’s only deficiency is his mortality. Imagine what it would feel like to have that much power. As I write it and as you read it, it sounds like a fairy tale, however it is the hard truth.
The whole world is on a backward progression when it comes to assimilation and reflection of this fact. The adversary the devil has managed to make people feel, that they are less important, just flesh and blood, that they have no power at all and are just nothing to themselves or the universe. Although the Bible states otherwise, even at that many Christian still do not comprehend or believe this truth. To buttress this point I will mention some human gods in the Bible that realized through Gods divine help their status and expressed god-like powers. I will explain why they had that power and why at some points the power failed them.
Our first example is Moses- The moment Moses meet God in the burning bush his god-like nature was activated and through him God performed wonders, that up until this day are unequalled. Do you agree that Moses expressed god-like power? Absolutely yes he did and he could access that power. One because God choose him, Two because he kept his body and spirit pure and free from guilt and iniquity at all times and Three because he had faith. The moment Moses waned in his faith in Gods ability, he lost a significant aspect of his power, prospect and thus saw but never entered the promise land.
Second example is Joshua – Joshua took over from Moses and God spoke to him. He impressed God because he had so much faith and lead a holy life to compliment it. As such he is the only man to have ever commanded the Sun to stand still and it did. What else would you call this, isn’t it god-like?
Another example is Prophet Daniel, Shedrack, Menshack and Abednego, four men that thrived during the time of Israel’s exile in Babylon. They had absolute faith in God, irrespective of the circumstances and thus were able to rise above the fire of the furnace and the Lion’s den. Same goes for Prophet Ezekiel who raised dried bones back to life. What a mystery? That is the kind of power we possess.
Our last example is our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, without a question Christ was the only one that knew he was a god and indeed he is God. He expressed this to the fury of the Pharisee and Sadducees and through his power he changed the course of history and given this we are agree that yes he is God.
The question now is why is it that is in our time, they are no more human gods. The answer is simple Sin. The human entity has a spirit, body and soul. The soul comes from God and it goes back to God upon death. The virtue of every human is embedded in the soul. The soul is the powerhouse of our godlike powers; to tap from this power. We must fulfill the ultimate condition.

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